Books, Books Everywhere!

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Value Hearing's purpose is to empower our clients and our employees. One big way in which we do this is by providing relevant and useful information.

As part of our process to better inform our clients, we have developed a number of helpful e-books. These e-books are designed to be easy to read and to provide important information on a number of topics. We currently have four e-books available for you to download and read.

Our most popular e-book is “The Hearing Aid Buyers Guide for the self-funded Australian”. It is designed to help people looking for their first hearing aid or even those looking to upgrade their current solution in finding their ideal solution.

The next most popular e-book is our Tinnitus Guide. This has been designed to cover, in-depth, many of the topics that are discussed during a clinical tinnitus consultation. It is designed to be a self-help guide to better understanding and managing the ringing in your ears.

We also have a guide on invisible hearing instruments available. This guide has been designed to help those people looking for the least conspicuous hearing aid options understand some of the options available to them.

We haven't forgotten about those people who aren't quite ready for hearing aids yet. Our guide to “The cost of untreated hearing loss” was written with these people in mind. It is highly recommended for those people who are sitting on the fence about their hearing understand what they and those who interact with them are losing due to their inaction.

You can access all these e-books on our website at If you know of anyone who could benefit from any of these e-books please refer them to our website.

NOTE: Over the coming months we might start charging for these e-books. So get them now while they are free.

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