Disappointingly, these companies will refuse to let you go to the hearing aid provider of your choice. They will oblige you to go to their preferred provider regardless of your wishes.
They will even refuse your choice even when your current provider can supply the exact same make and model hearing aid at a better price than their preferred provider.
It makes you wonder why.
The issue is so widespread that the hearing aid industry group, Hearing Business Alliance has raised the issue with Kate Carell, the Small Business Ombudsman because of its negative outcome for both small business and the consumer.
If the client then wants to move back to their original provider, there is a wasteful cost to the Hearing Services Program in processing the transfer for a move the client didn’t want in the first place.
Freedom of choice is your fundamental right as a consumer.
We recommend asking the following questions of your insurer if they will not let you see the hearing aid provider of your choice.
If you are not satisfied with their answers or if you find yourself being denied your choice by your insurance company, we encourage you to contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority and the Small Business Ombudsman.