Tag: Ear wax

Understanding Ear Wax and Its Removal

by Louise Colclough

What is the purpose of ear wax?

Ear Wax - How Do I Manage It?!?

by Pauline Primrose-Heaney

Our ear wax can tell us a lot about what’s happening inside our bodies

by Christo Fourie

It really is not my favourite topic by any means and kind of yuck to talk about but just like most excretions out our bodies, ear wax can tell us a

What is Earwax?

by Emma Russell

Time to Read: 6 minutes

Common Hearing Aid Issues - Damage & Repairs

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to read: 8 minutes

Can’t hold a candle to it - avoid the wrong way to deal with ear wax

by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers

Time to Read: 3 minutes

Ear Wax: Friend or Foe?

by Nicholas Guildhary

Read Time: 8 Minutes We take a comprehensive look at war wax - a natural and important part of our ears. This article looks at: Why do we have earwax


by admin

Time to Read: 3 minutes

Don’t Let The Little Things Let Your Hearing Aids Down

by admin

Time to Read: 5 minutes